Irregular Behavior
All NAVLE candidates must agree with the following statement before they will be able to take the examination: "This examination contains test materials that are owned and copyrighted by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA). Any reproduction of these materials or any part of them, through any means, including, but not limited to copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through memorization and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of these materials or any part of them is strictly prohibited."
Irregular behavior is defined by the ICVA as any behavior that undermines the application, assessment, or certification processes of the ICVA or that threatens the integrity of the NAVLE certification process. Anyone having information or evidence that suspected irregular behavior has occurred should submit a written, signed statement to the ICVA providing a detailed description of the incident and/or circumstances and copies of any supporting documentation and evidence. Insofar as possible, reports of irregular behavior will be handled confidentially; however, the ICVA will not investigate and/or act on unsigned or verbal reports. Irregular behavior may occur prior to, during, and/or following examination application and administration.
Such behavior may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- disclosing examination information by using language that is substantially similar to that used in questions and/or answers from NBVME examinations when such information is gained as a direct result of having been an examinee; this includes, but is not limited to, disclosures to students in educational programs, graduates of educational programs, educators or anyone else involved in the preparation of candidates to sit for the examinations; and/or
- receiving examination information that uses language that is substantially similar to that used in questions and/or answers on NBVME examinations from an examinee, whether requested or not; and/or
- copying, publishing, reconstructing (whether by memory or otherwise), reproducing or transmitting any portion of examination materials by any means, verbal or written, electronic or mechanical, without the prior express written permission of ICVA or using professional, paid or repeat examination takers or any other individual for the purpose of reconstructing any portion of examination materials; and/or
- possessing unauthorized materials during an examination administration (e.g., recording devices, photographic equipment, electronic paging devices, cellular telephones, reference materials); and/or
- failure to adhere to PTC regulations; and/or
- using or purporting to use any portion of examination materials which were obtained improperly or without authorization for the purpose of instructing or preparing any applicant for examination; and/or
- selling or offering to sell, buying or offering to buy, or distributing or offering to distribute any portion of examination materials without express written authorization; and/or
- removing or attempting to remove examination materials from an examination room, or having unauthorized possession of any portion of or information concerning a future, current, or previously administered examination of ICVA; and/or
- disclosing what purports to be, or under all circumstances is likely to be understood by the recipient as, any portion of or "inside" information concerning any portion of a future, current, or previously administered examination of ICVA; and/or
- communicating with another individual during administration of the examination for the purpose of giving or receiving help in answering examination questions, copying another candidate's answers, permitting another candidate to copy one's answers, or possessing unauthorized materials including, but not limited to notes (except on the laminated note boards at the test center); and/or
- looking in the direction of another candidate’s computer monitor during the examination if such may reasonably be interpreted as affording the opportunity to copy the work of another candidate; and/or
- engaging in any conduct that materially disrupts any examination or that could reasonably be interpreted as threatening or abusive toward any examinee, proctor, or staff; and/or
- impersonating a candidate or permitting an impersonator to take or attempt to take the examination on one's own behalf; and/or
- falsifying information on application or registration forms; and or
- the use of any other means that potentially alters the results of the examination such that the results may not accurately represent the professional knowledge base of a candidate.
Any irregular behavior will be reported to the ICVA and will constitute grounds for the ICVA to:
- bar you from one or more future examinations or permanently; and/or
- terminate your participation in the examination; and/or
- invalidate the results of your examination and any prior examinations; and/or
- withhold your scores; and/or
- fine you in an amount that reflects damages suffered by ICVA, including its costs of investigation and the costs of replacing any items that must be removed from the item bank; and/or
- censure you; and/or
- sue you for damages and civil remedies; and/or
- pursue prosecution of you for any conduct that constitutes a criminal or civil violation; and/or
- take any other appropriate action.
Candidates also understand and agree that the ICVA may withhold their scores and may require them to retake one or more portions of an examination if the ICVA is presented with evidence demonstrating to the ICVA, in its sole discretion, that the security of those portions of the examination has been compromised, notwithstanding the absence of any evidence of their personal involvement in the compromising activities. Candidates further understand and agree that the examination and related materials utilized in the ICVA's examinations are copyrighted as the sole property of the ICVA and must not be removed from the test area or reproduced in any way, and that reproduction of copyrighted material, in whole or in part, is a federal offense and may subject them to the sanctions listed above.
Any irregular behavior or violation of the test administration rules may, in the sole discretion of ICVA, be reported to the applicable board or boards of veterinary medicine, which could jeopardize your potential for licensure. In addition, if ICVA has reason to believe that a candidate may have engaged in irregular behavior, it may notify the applicable board or boards of veterinary medicine, even if the investigation is ongoing and no findings have been made.
If you have any questions or doubts about whether an activity might constitute irregular behavior, you should contact the ICVA Executive Director for clarification.