List of Veterinary Activities and Species
I. Data Gathering and Interpretation (140 items)
A. Obtain history, perform physical examination, and evaluate the environment (35 items)
1. Gather information from client, trainer, herd manager, etc., by asking appropriate questions and using interpersonal skills to
a. clarify concerns, presenting problems, and expectations
b. identify possible epidemiological problems and public health concerns
c. analyze previous medical history and/or production record
B. Determine the status (normal/abnormal) of the animal(s) and/or environment by (24 items)
1. Observation and physical examination
2. Medical or production record evaluation
C. Record pertinent information in a legible and orderly system of medical records to promote retrieval and sharing of information (11 items)
D. Develop a problem list, and a differential diagnosis list (47 items)
1. Correlate clinical signs or abnormalities with organ systems
2. Formulate a complete problem list and differential diagnosis list(s), to determine the need to collect additional information
3. Recommend relevant procedures to the client, trainer, herd manager, etc., to obtain specific information about the problem(s)
4. Order or perform diagnostic procedures to further define the problem(s)
E. Interpret collected information and establish a working or final diagnosis or conclusion (23 items
II. Health Maintenance and Problem Management (140 items)
A. Identify and evaluate prevention, treatment, and management options (64 items)
1. Develop a plan of action by assessing the following
a. expected outcome
b. feasibility
c. urgency
d. client expectations
e. economic considerations (e.g., ability to pay, value of animal)
f. humane considerations including pain management
g. ethical and legal implications
h. environmental and public health implications
i. professional abilities, resources, and facilities
2. Communicate case management options and prognosis to the client, trainer, herd manager, etc., including prevention, treatment, and husbandry alternatives
3. Obtain assistance through information retrieval, consultation, and/or referral
B. Implement Plan of Action (47 items)
1. Obtain informed consent as needed from client or authorized representative
2. Protect animal and human health and the environment by doing the following
a. order or perform indicated tests
b. apply epidemiological principles
c. comply with regulations (e.g., government, show, legal transport, drug use and withdrawals, organic vs. conventional)
3. Perform preventive and/or therapeutic procedures (surgical, medical, etc.)
4. Communicate to the client or staff procedures that will optimize compliance with the treatment plan
5. Monitor the effectiveness of preventive and/or therapeutic measures
6. Advise the client on relevant additional issues (e.g. nutrition, behavior, genetics, husbandry, production management and performance, environment, public health)
C. Assess outcome (29 items)
1. Evaluate interventions by
a. reviewing existing data
b. collecting additional information
c. assessing client compliance
d. validating working diagnoses
2. Modify therapeutic and preventative plans as needed
III. Professional Behavior, Communication, and Practice Management (20 items)
A. Conduct oneself in a professional, ethical, and legal manner
B. Adhere to regulations regarding the veterinarian client patient relationship
C. Pursue educational opportunities to enhance continued personal and professional development
D. Communicate and work effectively with colleagues and staff
E. Evaluate practice methods to enhance productivity and knowledge (e.g., task delegation, time management)
F. Educate staff and public in proper animal care and health
G. Ensure safety (e.g., occupational hazards, handling/ restraint, drug interactions, food safety)
H. Address client concerns in an empathetic and understandable manner (e.g., crises, grief management, economic restraints, compliance issues)
I. Preserve and protect the human animal bond
Canine: 70
Feline: 68
Pet Birds: 10
Other Small Animals: 10
Bovine: 45
Porcine: 17
Ovine/Caprine: 10
Cervidae: 2
Equine: 47
Camelidae: 2
Poultry: 6
Public Health: 10
Non-Species Specific: 3
Total: 300 items
(Each NAVLE form includes 300 scored items and 60 unscored pretest items)