The NEB and NBVME offices stand ready to help answer your questions or resolve problems you may encounter with the NAVLE application and registration process. Please do not hesitate to contact our offices by mail, telephone or email if you need assistance. It is better to ask for assistance than to assume that everything is fine, only to discover too late that you are unable to take the NAVLE because of problems with your NAVLE application, or your Scheduling and Admission Permit.
To reduce the potential for misunderstandings and to ensure the privacy of candidate information, the NEB and NBVME offices will correspond only with the candidate regarding NAVLE application, request for test accommodations, fee payment, registration, and score reporting questions, unless the candidate specifically authorizes the NEB or NBVME, in writing, to correspond with a third party. The NEB and NBVME may, however, correspond with the appropriate licensing body and/or veterinary school official regarding a candidate’s status in the NAVLE program.