As they begin their examination, all NAVLE candidates will see the screen presented in Appendix B.
NAVLE candidates must agree to the following rules of Conduct:
1. You are the person named on the Scheduling and Admission Permit for the examination.
2. You will not give, receive, or obtain any form of unauthorized assistance during the examination or breaks.
3. You should not bring to the testing center, and you may not have in your possession or access at any time during the examination administration, including breaks, any reference materials.
4. Before entering the testing room, you will place in a locker all personal belongings, including cellular phones, your purse and/or wallet, watches, pagers, personal digital assistants, notes, papers, and, if you inadvertently brought them with you to the testing center, any reference materials.
5. You will not leave your testing station for breaks unless the break screen is visible on your monitor. It is a violation of the Rules of Conduct if you indicate on the center log that your break screen is visible when it is not.
6. You will not use a telephone or other communication device at any point during the examination, including breaks, for any purpose related to test content.
7. You will not remove materials in any form (written, printed, recorded, or any other type) from the test center.
8. All examination materials remain the property of the ICVA, and you will maintain confidentiality of the materials. You will not reproduce or attempt to reproduce examination materials through memorization or any other means. Also, you will not provide information relating to examination content that may give or attempt to give unfair advantage to individuals who may be taking the examination. This includes postings regarding examination content and/or answers on the internet.
If you violate these Rules of Conduct, you may be directed to leave the test center before you complete the examination. Also, evidence of violation of any test administration rule, including these Rules of Conduct, will result in actions being taken under ICVA policies and procedures on irregular behavior. If you are found to have engaged in irregular behavior, your score report and transcripts will include this finding, and you may be barred from taking the NAVLE in the future.