This content has been migrated to the CVMA website, and you can access the new site here: National Examining Board. Content will no longer be updated on this site, so please refer to the CVMA website for the most up-to-date information.
An applicant who is a student in the final year of a Canadian college of veterinary medicine may register to take the NAVLE by completing the following steps:
- Create an account in the NEB portal using this link: NEB Candidate Portal
- Log into the account, complete the NAVLE registration form once the registration window opens, and pay the examination fee.
- Final-year students must be within ten months of their expected graduation date by the end of the testing window.
Any student wishing to sit the NAVLE in November-December of the final year or the following April is urged to check with the licensing body of the province where they wish to practice to ensure the scores obtained in that sitting of the NAVLE are acceptable for licensing by that body. Final year students should note that the NEB must receive proof of graduation before a CQ will be issued.
Communication Updates
- Always include your full name and NEB ID number in any correspondence with NEB. Your NEB ID is provided in your Portal account.
- Allow up to 5 business days for a response to any inquiry you make before contacting our office about the same matter again.
- When entering your name in the NEB portal make sure it appears exactly as it is on your valid, government-issued ID.
- You do not need to use your home address on the NEB portal. Enter the address NEB should use when mailing something to you.
- Keep your NEB portal account updated with any changes to your contact information (i.e., address, telephone number, email address) by logging into your account and making the changes or contacting NEB so we can update it.
- NEB will primarily communicate by email and messages in the portal. Be sure to check your email regularly and make sure your email settings will allow NEB emails to reach your inbox.
- NEB does not tolerate any disrespectful behavior. Please keep your communications respectful and objective.