Policies and procedures governing administration of the examination have been established to ensure that no candidate or group of candidates receives unfair advantage on the examination, inadvertently or otherwise.
Efforts are made to ensure that the examination is administered under standard conditions and is consistent with the principles on which the examination is developed and scored. However, if the integrity of the examination process is jeopardized, the NBVME ICVA reserves the right to invalidate all or any part of an examination.
Physical security of examination materials will be controlled through computerized, electronic transmission of encrypted data. Observation of the testing sessions will be aided by use of audio and video monitors and recording and other equipment available at test centers. All testing sessions for the NAVLE are monitored by staff at the test center. Failure to adhere to the instructions of the test center staff during the examination may result in a determination of irregular behavior.
Candidates observed engaging in possible violation of test administration rules or other forms of irregular behavior during an examination will not necessarily be told of the observation by test center staff at the time of the examination.
You may not bring any personal belongings into the testing area, including but not limited to mechanical or electronic devices, brimmed hats, book bags, backpacks, purses, books, notes, study materials, calculators, watches, recording or filming devices, radios, electronic paging devices, cellular telephones, food or beverages. If you bring any personal belongings to the test center, you must store them in a designated locker outside the testing area. Upon reasonable suspicion, such personal belongings and their contents may be inspected.
Any materials that reasonably appear to be reproductions of any NAVLE materials will be confiscated. Making notes of any kind during an examination, except on the materials provided by the test centre for this purpose, is not permitted.
Candidates may not use a telephone or other communication device or access reference materials at any point during the examination, including breaks, for any purpose related to test content.
Candidates are not permitted to communicate with, seek aid from, or provide aid to any other candidate during the examination.
Please be aware that there will be test takers taking other examinations during your test administration. Their exam formats and schedules will differ from your schedule. There may be low levels of background activity audible as they arrive, take their exams and depart. Candidates are allowed to bring soft-foam earplugs into the testing room. However, they must be removed from packaging and ready for inspection by test center staff during check-in. Earplugs must be left at your workstation during all breaks.