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The BCSE and the NAVLE are graded by computer by Thomson Prometric and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME), respectively.   The scores are then reported to the NEB.   A candidate's passing status is based on a criterion-referenced passing score, not graded on a curve, which is set by a panel of veterinarians who are content specialists in the areas assessed.   A candidate’s performance is measured against a fixed standard, and the passing point does not vary based on the performance of other candidates.

Review panels will work individually and collectively to determine the minimum score that a candidate must achieve in order to be judged minimally competent to enter private clinical practice.   Candidates who achieve a score equal to or higher than this criterion-referenced passing score receive a "pass" classification.

The CPE comprises seven sections.   Each section is marked on a scale of 100, with the candidate requiring a score of 60 to pass each section, except for the Anaesthesia and Surgery sections, which are scored with a Pass/Fail designation.   Candidates must successfully complete all sections in order to pass the CPE.

The NEB reserves the right to change the method by which Examination results are assessed.   However, every effort will be made to ensure that candidates are given adequate notice of any change in the assessment procedure prior to the Examination.