Candidates must not access exam content or request it from other candidates who took the exam prior to their own exam.
Do not contact examiners/exam staff prior to the exam.
During the Examination
Candidates are under exam conditions at all times when in the secure exam area.
Candidates must not communicate with other candidates verbally in any language or non-verbally while in the exam area under exam conditions.
Required visits to the washroom must be under supervision by exam centre staff.
Candidates must not provide falsified identification documents, or exchange identification documents with other candidates.
Candidates must not have an electronic device or other prohibited items in the exam.
Candidates must not share exam content in any way either verbally in any language or non-verbally.
Candidates are required to comply with the exam time allotments.
Candidates are not permitted to smoke or vape anytime while in the exam site/centre building.