Versions Compared


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All CPEs in 2019 2020 will be administered according to the 2018 2020 MOA. Previous editions of the MOA should be discarded.

The 2019 2020 edition of the MOA includes a few language clarifying changes as well as the below significant changes:Anesthesia
• Thiopental has been removed from the list of available drugs
• Placement of the esophageal stethoscope is no longer required within the 100 minute time limit
• Language has been added to clarify that if the dog wakes up during transfer from pre-op to the Surgery suite and the candidate does not react appropriately, a fatal flaw can be awarded
• A Major skill has been added to the Anesthetic section assessment: Provide adequate analgesia to the patient throughout the surgical procedure and immediate post-operative period

Small Animal Medicine
• SAM03 – Candidates will be required to perform 5, rather than 4, skills in part B, resulting in a total of 7 skills to be assessed in this station.
• SAM03 – “interpreting cardiac sounds” and “describing/demonstrating jugular venipuncture” have been reassigned from Part A to Part B.
• SAM03 – Each of the Part A skills will involve the use of a model so that the candidate can physically demonstrate the activity. While candidates will still describe the procedure using a live animal (such as for demonstrating restraint, positioning, or showing landmarks), stuffed animals will be used for candidates to demonstrate the performance of Cystocentesis, Thoracocentesis, and Abdominocentesis. For passing the urinary catheter, examiners should supply a suction tube for the candidate to demonstrate passage of the catheter.



  • Fatal Flaw was clarified for both candidates and examiners as shown:

Fatal Flaw

Throughout the MOA, the term ‘fatal flaw’ is used to denote an action attempted, performed, or specified by a candidate that would have a high likelihood of causing serious injury to a patient, to the candidate, and/or to associated personnel. Note that ‘fatal flaw’ is an assessment issued by the examiner that terminates the examination immediately and does not necessarily imply that the action would be fatal to the patient. Correspondingly, a ‘fatal flaw’ assessment is not restricted to use only in live animal situations but may also be awarded in either simulated patient encounters or written exam elements. Numerous examples of fatal flaws are provided throughout different sections of the MOA but these lists are not comprehensive and examiners may award ‘fatal flaws’ for any action not specified in the MOA that, in their discretion, would have a high likelihood of serious injury to the patient, candidate, or personnel.

Food Animal Medicine

  • FAP03 – The skill ‘Prepare udder for routine milking’ has been removed from Part A. Part A is now worth 35 points total. Part B is now worth 65 points total.
  • FAP03 – Withers pinch test skill was removed

It is your responsibility to read the entire Manual of Administration to ensure that you understand what will be expected of you during the 2020 CPE.

Should you have any questions regarding the new CPE Manual of Administration, please contact the NEB office via e-mail at