Candidates are required to provide payment of one-half of the full CPE fee at the time of registration and payment of the balance must be provided no less than 90 days prior to the scheduled CPE attempt.If a candidate withdraws from the full CPE more than 90 days prior to their scheduled exam date, the administrative charge will be one-third of the full fee. If one withdraws less than 90 days prior to the CPE, the full fee shall be forfeited. If a candidate withdraws for a medical reason, supported by appropriate documentation from a physician, or due to
Candidates who reschedule a confirmed CPE date in the event of emergencies and unforeseen situations (such as a medical condition pertaining to the candidate or a death in the immediate family* (refer to note below for definition of immediate family), supported by a death certificate or the equivalent, the administrative charge is 10% of the full CPE fee.
With regard to repeating sections, if a candidate withdraws more than 90 days prior to their scheduled exam, the administrative charge will be one-third of the repeat fee or if less than 90 days prior, the entire repeat fee shall be forfeited. If a candidate withdraws for a medical reason, supported by appropriate documentation from a physician, or due to a death in the immediate family* (refer to note below for definition of immediate family), supported by a death certificate or the equivalent, the administrative charge is 10% of the full repeat fee.
*Immediate family members limited to: your spouse or common-law partner; your father or mother, or their spouse or common-law partner; your children, or the children of your spouse or common-law partner; your grandchildren; your brothers and sisters; your grandparents; the father or mother of your spouse or common-law partner, as well as their spouses or common-law partners; any of your relatives who live with you permanently or with whom you permanently reside) may do so without expectation of a refund. All fees are non-refundable. If given sufficient notice, the NEB will try to fill that vacated CPE seat. Only if the vacated CPE seat is filled by another candidate and paid for, then the original candidate’s fees, minus a 10% administrative fee, will be transferred to his/her rescheduled CPE seat.
Requests must be forwarded as soon as possible in writing to the NEB office and must be supported by documentation from a doctor or other appropriate authority. Rescheduling requests will only be granted at the discretion of the NEB, and candidates will be notified as soon as possible regarding the NEB's decision. However, fees will not be refunded and may only be transferred if the NEB succeeds in finding another candidate to fill the vacated CPE seat.
In the event that a candidate withdraws from the CPE during a session of the exam due to illness or a death, serious injury or illness of a close family member, the candidate must immediately notify the CPE Head Examiner at the exam site and the NEB of the withdrawal. The candidate must provide supporting documentation to the NEB within seven days.