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For NEB to process your language proficiency examination scores during review of your registration materials, candidates must provide an official copy of their score report for one of the foregoing language proficiency examinations. This must be sent The candidate (not the language examination center) must send this to NEB. Simply sending it via the language examination's verification system is NOT sufficient. You (the candidate) must send this either by physical mail to the NEB office when sending registration materials, or by emailing an official PDF version of the score report generated from the issuing language exam authority. PDF score reports can be emailed directly to 

(warning) The NEB will not process language examination scores until the candidate has provided the official score report. Online language examination verification systems are NOT sufficient.

Applicants MUST achieve the minimum scores for all required sections of an exam on the same administration or attempt. The score report provided from the language proficiency examination must be from an examination that is no more than two years old.
